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Protect your home from termite

4 Security Points of Fumakilla

Safe and Trusted Fumakilla Brand

We are worried when we ask our first contractor to investigate and control termites that we cannot see. Please leave it to Fumakilla Indonesia the product of the trusted brand, VAPE.


Easy to understand standardized manual and price

For customers who are not sure whether the cost is appropriate or not, [the VAPE Safety Termite System] has a standard of prices and specification. We will make a clear estimation and execute the work after getting approval from our client.


People and building friendly Prevention and Treatment

With a control method based on the specifications stipulated by the Indonesian government, the work will be carried out carefully throughout the house without affecting the strength of the building. We use safe chemicals and consider the health of residents.

standar kerja

3 and 5 years termite warranty

You don’t have to worry because It is our job to follow up on the termites after the treatment as well. If termites coming back again, there will be free charge service if necessary. In addition, regular inspections are performed once a year.


Survey Gratis
dan dapatkan produk VAPE
secara cuma cuma.
