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Protect your home from termite

Termite Treatment


There are 2 types of termite treatments:

  • Preventive treatment, that keeps termites away from the house.
  • Control treatment, when termites inhabit the house.

Importance of Preventive Treatment

Preventive treatment of termites is necessary to protect your precious property. Prevents termite invasion and settlement from outside. 
※If the building is made of wood and damaged because the termites, the strength of the building will be greatly reduced.

 Importance of Termite Control

In the case of "termite control", termite control work will be performed if termites are damaged inside the building or if termites are found.

However, it is necessary to perform both control and prevention in order to completely prevent the damage of termites because the termites might re-enter the house after control.

The cost of exterminating work for the place that is already damaged by termites will be calculated based on the damage level, required time, technology, amount of work and range.

In addition, if the location of a house that has been damaged by termites is related to the strength and appearance of the house, replacement and restoration (renovation) of that part will be added on the cost, so there is the possibility the cost will be more expensive.

Fortunately, Fumakilla will protect your house so that will not happen.

4 Steps of Safe and Secure Termite Control Services


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