Termite Encyclopedia

The latest chemical and method of PEST control
A long time ago, pest control was dangerous because they had used highly toxic treatment. Nowadays, treatment becomes safer and the effect on the human body also becomes small. Even though it can make the human get allergic.

The method and chemical of pest control were known as dangerous, have changed much before. One of the latest method, bait treatment, doesn’t smell and doesn’t have an effect on the human and animals because they don’t spray chemical treatment. We don’t need to drill holes in the house, it is an advantage to care for house and environment as well.

termite bait

This bait treatment uses the termite’s habit of bringing food back to the nest and this method can exterminate the whole nest. Therefore, it takes time to complete extermination. Comparing another easy way such as chemical treatment methods, it is a disadvantage to taking cost more.

On the other hand, chemical treatment, which we use for pest control nowadays, it is a good treatment for pest control because it is safer and more effective than before. So, the effect on human and animal has been comparatively reduced. However, there are still possibilities to affect people who are allergic, pregnant women, babies and animals. So, we should be careful of it when spraying chemical treatment. 


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